
Lorry-Rail was created by a consortium of five companies which gathered their knowledge to offer a new intermodal transport service, fitted for transport operators and competitive. Lorry-Rail is owned by five shareholders:

A public French financial institution: La Caisse des Dépôts supports this service launch because of its economical, social and environmental benefits for the French long-term development.

Vinci Concessions, world leader in concessions and construction. Vinci's commitment aims to propose an alternative to road.

National Rail companies: The Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français (SNCF) et the Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois (CFL) supply their technical know-how. Group SNCF takes charge of operating the rail traction service, and CFL through its subsidiary CLB is responsible for building the northern terminal in Bettembourg and for operating the platform.

A manufacturing industry: Modalohr (Groupe Lohr). Designer of the railcars which were specially fitted for carrying semi trailers along the French rail infrastructure, Modalohr provides the train and therefore the technology.

Caisse des Dépôts Vinci Concessions
SNCF - Société nationale des chemins de fer français CFL - Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois
ModaLohr TLF - Fédération des entreprises de Transport et Logistique de France
lorry raillorry raillorry raillorry rail