Lorry-Rail was created by a consortium of five companies which gathered their knowledge to offer a new intermodal transport service, fitted for transport operators and competitive. Lorry-Rail is owned by five shareholders:
A public French financial institution: La Caisse des Dépôts supports this service launch because of its economical, social and environmental benefits for the French long-term development.
Vinci Concessions, world leader in concessions and construction. Vinci's commitment aims to propose an alternative to road.
National Rail companies: The Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français (SNCF) et the Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois (CFL) supply their technical know-how. Group SNCF takes charge of operating the rail traction service, and CFL through its subsidiary CLB is responsible for building the northern terminal in Bettembourg and for operating the platform.
A manufacturing industry: Modalohr (Groupe Lohr). Designer of the railcars which were specially fitted for carrying semi trailers along the French rail infrastructure, Modalohr provides the train and therefore the technology.